Getting started

Create a Google Sheet

  1. Create the Google sheet. Navigate to Google Drive, and on the left menu, click on New - Google Sheets.

  2. Configure the permissions of the Google sheet, so that Troop can fetch data from it. You need to grant Viewer permissions to Troop Marketplace's email (see below).

    1. Click on the Share button at the top right.

    2. Type the email

    3. Change permissions to Viewer.

    4. Uncheck Notify people.

    5. Click Share.

Permission levelEmail


  1. Add data to your sheet.

    1. Add the required columns, that are specific to your app subtype (check the supported app types a & subtypes here). Required columns describe the features of your app.

      1. If your app app type is PLACE_DATA and subtype is going to be Geographic Area: add title and at least one of country, region or city.

      2. If your app type is PLACE_DATA and app subtype is going to be Geographic Location: add title, type and coordinates.

      3. If your app type is SUSTAINABILITY and subtype is going to be Green Accommodation: add title, either address or bcom_id, either country or country_name, city_name, green_score and green_score_icon optionally.

    2. Then, add custom columns with data for each of your rows, until a maximum of 26. Custom columns will represent the feature properties of your app.

      1. Add custom columns. For example:

        • For an app representing country risk (subtype Geographic Area): risk_level, risk_description...

        • For an app representing meeting spaces (subtype Geographic Location): address, email, phone_number, link...

      2. Optionally, add columns to customize the colors: fill_color and line_color. See more details in the Model Reference.

      3. Optionally, add columns to customize the shapes, in case your app subtype is going to be Geographic Location: circle_radius and circle_border_width. See more details in the Model Reference.

      4. Optionally, add columns to customize the legend: legend_title, legend_description and photos. See more details in the Model Reference.

We highly recommend seeing the Examples for more information.

Example for Geographic Area

Create an app

  1. Go to Troop Marketplace and click on My Integrations.

  2. Click Create App. A modal window will open.

  3. Select type Google sheet.

  1. Edit the basic information of your app and click Next.

For Google Sheet imports, the supported app types/subtypes are Place Data: Geographic Area , Place Data: Geographic Location and Sustainability: Green Accommodation. Check the introduction for more information on how to choose type and subtype.

  1. Next step is writing down the app ID and API key. You won't need them to import data using a Google Sheet, but it's good to save them for the future in case you want to manipulate your app using our API. Then, click Next.

For security reasons, you won't be able to see the API key again, so make sure you save it.

  1. Link the Google Sheet to your app. Copy the link to the Google Sheet you created, paste it in the text input and click Next.

You can also copy the ID by inspecting the URL, but we will get it for you if you just paste the whole URL into the text input.

  1. Import the data from your Google Sheet. Click Sync now to start the process and wait for it to finish. Then, click Next.

If your Google Sheet contains errors, you will be notified. After you fix them, you can retry.

You will be able to see the error details under the Events tab.

  • The messages in red are errors. They need to be fixed before you re-import your data.

  • The messages in orange are just warnings. They should be fixed, but they won't block the import. Just take into accoun that, for example, unrecognized ISO codes for countries/regions/cities, won't be added to the map layer.

Once the sync is successful, it will take up to 15 minutes for the data to reflect on your map, due to caching.

You will be the only person from your organization able to see the map layer, until the app is installed for other people from your organization.

  1. Select the automatic sync frequency for your app. This allows you to have your data updated automatically updated in Troop, after you change the data in your Google Sheet. Close the modal if you don't want to activate this feature.

This value can be modified later in the app page. There, you will also be able to disable the automatic updates.


Check the examples at Examples.

Last updated